Tesco Grocery Late Delivery Guide


0844 381 0812

Calls cost 7p per minute plus your standard network charge.

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This website provides hard to find phone numbers as a call connection service, and is not associated with the companies listed.

Tesco Groceries is Tesco’s food delivery service that allows it’s customers to shop online and have the food delivered straight to their door. There are a few delivery price options for Tesco Groceries, with three different types of plan and 2 contract options. The Same-Day plan allows free deliveries on any day including same-day deliveries, the 1-month contract for this plan is £12.99 a month and the 6-month contract for this plan costs £9.99 a month. The Any Day plan allows free deliveries any day except same day deliveries (same day delivery will cost £2), The 1-month contract for this costs £7.99 a month and the 6-month contract for this costs £6.99 a month. The Midweek plan offers free deliveries Tues-Thurs except for same-day deliveries which will cost £2. You don’t have to purchase a plan to get a Tesco Grocery delivery you can just pay for the delivery time slot at the checkout of your grocery shop.

Tesco Grocery Late Delivery Phone Number

Once you have called the number select the correct switchboard option and you will be taken through to a representative. The representative will be able to offer you some help regarding a late delivery if it hasn’t arrived yet. If your delivery has already arrived but it was late the representative will ask for your contact and account information to investigate this for you and will get back to you with a reason as to why your delivery was late.

Tesco Grocery Late Delivery Compensation

To receive some compensation for a late Tesco Grocery delivery you need to call the number above and follow the same steps. Once you are through to the representative explain that you would like some compensation for the trouble this has caused you. You may be offered money off your next shop, your next delivery for free, a refund for your shop/delivery charge or a free month of a delivery plan. If the option you are offered is sufficient accept and they will send you an email containing the offer, if it is not sufficient you can express this and you may be offered something else. You can also file a complaint if you wish to.