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The contact number for Santander is available directly from their website at no or lower cost

Calls cost 7p per minute plus your standard network charge.

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This website provides hard to find phone numbers as a call connection service, and is not associated with the companies listed.

Opening Times for Santander

Day Opens Closes
Monday 7am 9pm
Tuesday 7am 9pm
Wednesday 7am 9pm
Thursday 7am 9pm
Friday 7am 9pm
Saturday 7am 9pm
Sunday 8am 9pm
2 Triton Square
Regent's Place


Santander Contact Numbers

Expedia Opening Hours
Customer services 24/7
Santander Fraud Contact Number 24/7
Banking and savings 24/7
Credit card 24/7
Lost or stolen card 24/7
Santander Home Insurance Contact 24/7
Complaints 24/7

Customer services

You can phone this number to find out the type of information that will need to be provided to open a new account, as well as the documents to prove your identity.

If you have had any payments declined when using your Santander cards and would like to question them, you can phone the number above to get further information regarding this.

Santander Fraud Contact Number

When you phone this number you can report any signs of fraudulent activity you believe has occurred on either your current or credit accounts. When you call this number they will be able to tell you what is going on with the missing money and get your account secured to ensure that nothing else is taken or charged to your account.

Banking and savings

You might need to call this number to get an up-to-date summary of the balances on the account, as well as finding out if there has been any money taken into a holding account for a purchase that you might think has or has not gone through.

You can phone this number if you would like make changes to your accounts, or would like to close them. You can phone this number to find out the current direct debits that are set up on the account, and make changes or cancel them if you need to.

Credit Card

When you call this number they will be able to help to talk you through your bill if there is anything you don’t understand. You can also ring this number to find out further details about the interests rates associated with the card. If you would like to transfer balances to this card you can also call this number to get this processed.

To make a payment on your Santander credit card, or set up a direct debit for each month you can also ring this number. If you have a direct debit set up to make monthly payments on the card, and you would like to change the date of this, you can call the number above to do so.

Lost or stolen card

It’s imperative that you call this number as soon as you realise your card has gone to ensure that no charges can be made on the card. Phone this number to get the card blocked, the advisor will then arrange for a new card to be sent out to you. If you need access to the account whilst you wait for a new card, they’ll explain how you can withdraw money from that account in a Santander branch.

Santander Home Insurance Contact

When you call this number Santander will discuss the different home insurance policies they can offer for you, and if you give them some details they’ll provide you with a quote of what you can expect to pay for your home insurance with the bank.

If you already have a Home Insurance policy with Santander you can call this number to make changes to your account, renew your policy for another year, or cancel your policy should you need to.

If you’d like to make a claim on your Santander Home Insurance you can also phone this number, there will be a certain set of questions that you’ll need to answer about the claim before it can be processed.


Calling this number you can make a new complaint or get in touch to follow up on a previous complaint you’ve made. When you call the advisor will take the details of the complaint and try to resolve it with you whilst you’re speaking to them on the line. In some cases, they might, however, need to look into it a little more. In this case, they will get back to you at a later date, with an indication of a time frame. If you don’t hear from them you can phone this number back to find out what is going on with your complaint.

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