How To Redeem Wowcher

If you would like to know how to redeem a Wowcher voucher or a gift card you can read the helpful guide below.

How To Redeem Wowcher Voucher

You will need to redeem your Wowcher voucher with the company the voucher is for. You can either do this directly by calling the company and giving them the voucher number or you will need to do this through Wowcher when the voucher is purchased as some companies do not accept voucher codes. In this case, you will be taken to, here you will need to complete the booking or order of the services/product which your voucher is for.

How To Redeem Wowcher Gift Card

If you have received a Wowcher gift card you can redeem the card to receive your Wowcher Wallet Credit online. You can then use your credits to purchase a Wowcher voucher via the website. You need to redeem the gift card within six months of receiving it. The credits will expire after 12 months of you redeeming the credit.

You can redeem the credit by going to the Wowcher website and logging in. Once you are logged in you need to select the top right account button and then click ‘My Wowchers’. You will then be taken to a page with all your current vouchers, there will be a menu on the left-hand side of the screen. You need to click ‘redeem a gift card’ and then enter your gift card code exactly as it is on your gift care, please be away it is case sensitive. You will then have redeemed your Wowcher Wallet Credit.

How To Redeem Wowcher for Wowcher Wallet Credit

If you’re unhappy with your Wowcher voucher or you have been given a Wowcher as a gift and wish to purchase a different Wowcher you can exchange your Wowcher for Wowcher Wallet Credit. As long as it is between 1 and 30 days from the date your received your Wowcher you will receive 100% of the cost of the Wowcher deal in credits onto your account. You can then use these credits to purchase another voucher. You can exchange your points by entering your order number and voucher code on this section of the site, you will need to be logged into your account.