The contact number for NHS is available directly from their website at no or lower cost
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Day | Opens | Closes |
Monday | 8am | 6pm |
Tuesday | 8am | 6pm |
Wednesday | 9.30am | 6pm |
Thursday | 8am | 6pm |
Friday | 8am | 6pm |
Saturday | Closed | |
Sunday | Closed |
Call the number the number to the left to speak to the NHS team who will be able to answer your non-emergency questions. You can phone this number to speak to the team regarding exemption cards, your EHIC, amongst other things.
Expedia | Opening Hours |
Customer Services | 24/7 |
NHS Exemption Card | 24/7 |
Make a freedom of information request | 24/7 |
European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) | 24/7 |
NHS Profiles | 24/7 |
Syndicating NHS content | 24/7 |
You can phone the customer services team for the NHS on the number the number to the left. When you call this number they will be able to help with any questions you have about their website. If you’re having problems using the website, you can phone this number where they’ll be able to assist and hopefully fix the issue that has arisen.
You can also phone this number if you’d like help with finding a NHS service that’s local to you, when you call this number explain what you need to see someone regarding, and provide your location. The customer advisor will then be able to find you the closest option to you, and give you phone details and opening hours so you can get in touch.
If you need assistance with booking or changing an e-referral appointment you can also call the number above where they will be able to help with this. When you call you will need the booking reference number that will have been printed on your booking letter.
Contact the NHS regarding exemption cards on the phone number the number to the left. When you call this number they will be able to assist with questions regarding entitlement to medical exemption certificates, maternity exemption certificates and tax credit exemption certificates. If you have lost your NHS exemption card you can phone this number where they’ll be able to explain what you need to do to get a replacement card as soon as possible.
You can phone this number to find out what the certificate covers, report a change in circumstances or get a replacement for one that you’ve lost.
Call the number the number to the left to make a freedom of information request to the NHS. When you call this number you will need to be as precise as possible with the information you require to help make it easier to find and help narrow down the search.
To inquire about the European Health Insurance Card you can phone the number the number to the left. When you call this number they will be able to help you to apply or renew your card, which is free of charge and can be used in any EU country.
If you’d like to find out about what is happening when the UK leaves the EU you can also call the number above where they’ll be able to explain the situation and give you guidance of what to do after March 29 2019.
If you have a NHS profile on the NHS website and would like to make changes to it, you can phone the number the number to the left. When you call this number they will be able to make the changes to your profile that is on the website, such as if you’ve changed address, the contact number has changed or anything else.
There is a plethora of NHS content that is available to be syndicated for your use, and to find out further details about this you can phone the number the number to the left. When you call this number they will be able to answer your questions about the content, whether it’s available to you, and what it can be used for.
If you’re having issues with syndicating the content you can phone the number above where they’ll be able to talk you through any troubleshooting issues you’re having.
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