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Jet Airways

The contact number for Jet Airways is available directly from their website at no or lower cost

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Opening Times for Jet Airways

Day Opens Closes
Monday 8am 6pm
Tuesday 8am 6pm
Wednesday 8am 6pm
Thursday 8am 6pm
Friday 8am 6pm
Saturday 8am 6pm
Sunday Closed Closed
Jet Airways
Siroya Centre
Sahar Airport Road
Andheri (East)

Jet Airways is a company based out of Mumbai. However, the company does have a dedicated office here in the UK. As one of the leading airlines, Jet Airways offers over 1500 flights a day. Call the head office team for Jet Airways on the number to the left.

Jet Airways Contact Numbers

Department Opening Hours
Head Offices Monday-Friday: 9am-5pm
Recruitment Agency Monday-Friday: 9am-5pm
Complaints Line Monday-Friday: 9am-5pm
Services & Booking Helpline Monday-Friday: 9am-5pm
Special Assistance & Requests Monday-Friday: 9am-5pm
PR Monday-Friday: 9am-5pm

Head Offices

Jet Airways head office is based in London, and the team can be called via the number to the left. You can call this number if you have a query, or if you would like some travel information. If you know which department of Jet Airways you need to contact, use the table at the top of the page.

Recruitment Agency

Jet Airways employs thousands of coworkers all over the world. To recruit such a large amount of worker, the company uses agencies. To get in contact with the right agency, you can call the number to the left. Depending on your experience/career aspirations you will be transferred to someone who will be able to offer some help to you.

Complaints Line

If you need to make a complaint about your experience with Jet Airways, about the quality of your seat, or about a member of staff, dial the number to the left. Someone from the London head office will be able to take your complaint and take it further for you. You can also use this line if you would like to follow up a previous complaint that you have made.

Services & Booking Helpline

To talk about your booking, to make a booking, or to talk about a service that Jet Airways offers, call the Services & Booking Helpline on the number to the left.

This number can also be used if you would like to cancel a booking. However, you will need your confirmation number and email address if you plan on doing this over the phone. You can also cancel a flight with Jet Airways over on their website.

Special Assistance & Requests

If you need special assistance, specific seating, baby changing facilities, a wheelchair or you need to bring a service dog onto a flight, you will need to call the Special Assistance & Requests team on the number to the left.


If you need to contact the Jet Airways team as an Influencer, marketer, associated press or media, call the PR team at the London office on  the number to the left. This is a direct line, which means someone will be able to assist you as soon as possible.

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