The contact number for Hamleys is available directly from their website at no or lower cost
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Day | Opens | Closes |
Monday | 9am | 5pm |
Tuesday | 9am | 5pm |
Wednesday | 9am | 5pm |
Thursday | 9am | 5pm |
Friday | 9am | 5pm |
Saturday | 10am | 5pm |
Sunday | 11am | 5pm |
Speak to the Hamleys customer service team when you ring the number the number to the left, when you call this number you can discuss their Birthday Party options, meeting Father Christmas, shopping online and more.
Expedia | Opening Hours |
Customer Services | 24/7 |
Birthday parties | 24/7 |
Orders and delivery | 24/7 |
Returns | 24/7 |
Meet Father Christmas | 24/7 |
Complaints | 24/7 |
Contact the Hamleys customer service team on the number to the left. When you call this number you can speak to them about a number of queries you have about shopping both online and in-store with Hamleys.
You can phone this number to find your nearest Hamleys store location, as well as the opening hours of that store and if there are currently any events happening in store too.
If you’re looking to find the toy availability in a particular store you can also phone this number when you call, provide details of the toy you are looking for and the advisor can check to see if any of the stores in your area have current stock of it.
To request information relating to Gift Cards for Hamleys you can also ring this number. When you call they’ll be able to tell you how to purchase Gift Cards, the limits on the cards and how long they last before the balance expires. If you’d like to find out the balance of your gift card you can also ring this number when you do you’ll need to give the gift card number so they can access the details.
Looking to book a Birthday Party at Hamleys? Phone the number to the left to get this sorted. When you ring this number you can inquire about the Birthday Party packages that are available, what they include and the prices of them. If you’d like to book one in your local Hamleys, the customer advisor on the line should be able to help with this.
If you have previously booked a Birthday Party at Hamleys and would like to make amendments to it, you can phone this number where they can assist with this, whether it’s changing the time, adding more children or anything else.
You can phone the number to the left to speak to Hamleys about placing orders online and getting them delivered. When you phone this number you can inquire about the different payment methods that are accepted online, as well as asking about the different delivery options and the costs involved with them.
If you are waiting for an outstanding delivery you can phone this number to find out where it currently is and when it will be arriving.
Inquire about returns and refunds from Hamley stores by calling the number to the left. When you ring this number the advisor can tell you about the Hamleys return policy, how long you have to return an item, and the condition it is expected to be in. If you need to return a faulty item, you can also phone this number to find out what you need to do. If you purchased an item online that needs returning, find out if you can return it to your local Hamleys store rather than sending it through the post.
To inquire about meeting Father Christmas at a Hamleys store you can phone the number to the left. When you phone this number they can let you know which stores this is available at, and the dates it can be booked. You can book this in over the phone if you wish.
If you have previously booked your Father Christmas event and need to make changes to it, you can phone this number to see if it’s possible to do so.
If you have a complaint to make to Hamleys regarding a specific toy you purchased from them, or the level of service you received whilst shopping with Hamleys you can phone the number to the left. When you call, the customer advisor will take note of your complaint and try to help resolve it whilst you’re on the phone to them. If in the instance that you’re not happy with the response given you can request that your complaint is further looked into and they will get back to you at a later time.
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