The contact number for Green Star Energy is available directly from their website at no or lower cost
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Day | Opens | Closes |
Monday | 8am | 6pm |
Tuesday | 8am | 6pm |
Wednesday | 8am | 6pm |
Thursday | 8am | 6pm |
Friday | 8am | 6pm |
Saturday | Closed | |
Sunday | Closed |
You can phone the Green Star Energy customer service team on the phone number to the left where they can help both new and existing customers, discuss the warm home discount, installation of smart meters and more.
Expedia | Opening Hours |
Customer Services | 24/7 |
New customers | 24/7 |
Existing customers | 24/7 |
Warm Home Discount | 24/7 |
Smart Meters | 24/7 |
Future Home Energy Customers | 24/7 |
Contact the customer service team for Green Star Energy by ringing the number to the left. When you phone this number they’ll be able to help with any questions you have about the energy provider.
If you’re having trouble logging into your account online you can phone this number where they’ll be able to help you.
If you’d like to find out more details about the customer benefits offered by Green Star Energy you can call the number above where they can provide information about referring a friend and more.
Find out about power cuts in your area by calling this number, and requesting discount on your bill for any inconveniences caused.
If you’re looking to switch to Green Star Energy you can phone the number to the left to get in touch regarding the tariffs they offer and if there are any special discounts running at the minute. If you’d like to make the switch the customer advisors on the line can help you do this quickly and ensure the change to a new energy provider is easy and doesn’t disrupt your life too much. When you make the switch, the advisors can explain everything that is going to happen now, what you need to do to cancel your other provider and help you get everything set up, even automatic payments if you so wish to.
Any existing customers with Green Star Energy can phone the number to the left where they can help with any questions regarding your account. If you’d like to set up a direct debit to pay your bills you can phone this number where they will help you get this set up. If you’d like to change the date of your direct debit that’s already in place you can phone this number where they’ll be able to assist with this.
Find out more details about the warm home discount offered by Green Star Energy by calling the number to the left. When you phone this number the customer team can help explain what the discount is, the amount of discount you can get, how you receive it and whether or not you’re eligible for it.
If you have previously applied for Warm Home Discount but were turned down for it, and now your circumstances have changed, you can phone this number again to find out if it’s now possible for you to receive it.
If you’re expecting the warm home discount to be applied to your energy bill, but it hasn’t, you can phone this number to find out why this is and whether or not you’re still able to receive it.
Get in touch with Green Star Energy about the smart meters they offer on the phone number to the left. You can call this number if you’d like to find out about getting one installed, and the benefits of doing so.
If you already have a smart meter installed with Green Star Energy and need help with getting a reading from the meter you can phone the number above to get assistance with this. If you’ve found a bill has come and it’s different from the reading you took you can phone this number to enquire why this is.
If you were a Future Energy customer before the company ceased trading you can phone the number to the left where the Green Star Energy customer advisors will be able to help with any questions you have about your bills, or you’re unable to access your meter. If you’re in credit to Future Energy you can find about getting this money back.
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