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Day | Opens | Closes |
Monday | 24/7 | 24/7 |
Tuesday | 24/7 | 24/7 |
Wednesday | 24/7 | 24/7 |
Thursday | 24/7 | 24/7 |
Friday | 24/7 | 24/7 |
Saturday | 24/7 | 24/7 |
Sunday | 24/7 | 24/7 |
If you’re looking to contact Google Play, then you’ll find them available on the number to the left where a member of the customer services team will be able to answer any questions or issues you might have.
Google Play (formerly Android Market) is a digital distribution service that is operated by Google. Google Play serves as the official app store for Android operating systems and was launched in 2012, three years after its initial launch as Android Market. The Google Play store allows users to browse and download applications, as well as music, magazines, books, movies and television programmes.
If you’re a Google Play customer, you might need to speak to their customer services team about any issues that you’ve experienced with their services. There could be any number of problems that you might need to discuss with them, as you could be interested in learning more about the service, or you might want to ask them about an issue that you have experienced with Google Play. If this is the case, then you can reach the team by calling the number to the left.
If you’ve experienced any issues with any of the apps on Google Play, or you are interested in finding out more information about a certain app in the system, then you can call their customer services team on the number to the left and a member of the team will be able to tell you anything you want to know, regarding anything to do with any of the apps that Google Play offers.
If you’re interested in finding out more information about the newsstand service that Google Play offers, including the news sources and magazines that are available and how you can subscribe to one of the news sources within the service, then you can call the customer services team on the number to the left and a member of the team will be happy to answer any questions you might have for them as well as monitor any problems you could have had with the service.
You may find that you want more information about the devices that you can use Google Play on, as you may be confused about whether your device should be able to use the service. You can call the customer services team on the number to the left if you would like more information about the devices that use Google Play, and a staff member will give you all of the information you need.
If you find that you’ve had a bad experience while using the Google Play service and you have decided that you would like to make an official complaint with the customer services team, you can reach them by calling the number to the left and a member of the team will make sure to register your complaint and see if they can find a way to deal with the situation.
If you are a parent whose children frequently use Google Play to find apps that they would like to download or use, then you might find you will want to use the parent guide system, which can help you to understand how the apps work and make sure that your children aren’t spending money accidentally. If this is the case, then you can call the customer services team on the number to the left and they will be able to help you with any problems you might have faced or any questions you may have about the parent guide system.
Department | Opening Hours |
Customer Services | 24/7 |
Apps | 24/7 |
Newsstand | 24/7 |
Devices | 24/7 |
Complaints | 24/7 |
Parent Guide | 24/7 |
You might find that contacting Google Play isn’t the ideal form of communication that you would prefer, and that instead, you would like to reach out to them in some other form. If this is the case, you can easily send them a recorded letter to:
Google Inc.
76 Buckingham Palace Road.
SW1W 9TQ London, United Kingdom.
where a member of staff will try and reply to you as quickly as possible.
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