The contact number for Expedia is available directly from their website at no or lower cost
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Day | Opens | Closes |
Monday | 8.30am | 11pm |
Tuesday | 8.30am | 11pm |
Wednesday | 8.30am | 11pm |
Thursday | 8.30am | 11pm |
Friday | 8.30am | 11pm |
Saturday | 8.30am | 11pm |
Sunday | 8.30am | 11pm |
Phone the Expedia customer service number on the number to the left where you can speak to them regarding an existing booking, to make a new booking, as well as other issues like technical problems and complaints.
Expedia | Opening Hours |
Customer services | 24/7 |
Bookings | 24/7 |
Cancel a booking | 24/7 |
Payments and refunds | 24/7 |
Loyalty programmes | 24/7 |
Car hire | 24/7 |
Technical issues | 24/7 |
Complaints | 24/7 |
Contact the Expedia customer services on the number the number to the left where they can assist you with your itinerary, provide details on checking-in to your flight or hotel, provide information on booking seats, as well as details about baggage allowances.
If you would like to make a booking with Expedia you can do so on the number the number to the left. When you phone this number you will need to provide details on the type of booking you are looking to make, as well as provide card details to make a payment for the booking too, and an email address for booking confirmations to be sent to.
If you would like to cancel a booking you have made with Expedia you can phone the number the number to the left. When you phone this number you will need to provide your booking confirmation number so that the team can locate it quickly and get this in place for you.
Expedia doesn’t charge cancellation fees, but your hotel might, so you will need to contact them directly to find out the information on this.
If you cancel a flight you may or may not be eligible for a refund, in some instances you can get your money back when booking hotels, and typically for booking holidays, you won’t get a refund.
When you cancel a car you have hired through Expedia you must do so 6 hours prior to pick up to ensure you get a full refund.
If you would like to discuss payments and refunds with Expedia you can phone the number the number to the left. When you phone this number it’s important that you have details like your booking number, travel details and bank card with you so they can access the file quickly, as well as take payments if needed and issue refunds.
If you require a receipt for your booking you can phone the number above to get one for your hotels, package booking, flights or car booking.
If you need to speak to Expedia regarding their currently loyalty programmes then you can phone the number the number to the left. When you phone this number you will need to provide your Nectar card number and your travel information, and here they can tell you how many points you can expect to receive and when they will be credited to your account.
If you are having trouble spending your Nectar points on Expedia, phone the number above where they can assist with the problem.
To speak to Expedia about car hire you can phone the number the number to the left, this number will give you the ability to both book car hire for your upcoming trip as well as find out details on car hire you have previously booked.
When you phone this number you can request details about the prices and payment options for booking with Expedia.
If you have already booked car hire when you phone this number you will need a confirmation number or contact details so they can access your booking. You can then review your itinerary, make changes or cancel it if need be, or make a payment on your booking too.
You can use this number to find out what details and documents you will need to provide when you go to collect your car.
If you are having technical issues whilst using the site or the Expedia app you can phone the number the number to the left. When you phone this number provide details of the problems you are experiencing, whether you’re trying to book a hotel or trip or want to access details of your current booking. The team member will either try and fix the problem whilst you’re on the line, if it can be done, if not they might be able to do what you need on their end.
To make a complaint to Expedia you can do so by phoning the number the number to the left, you can either file a complaint whilst you’re on the trip or once you get back. In both instances, the complaint will be taken very seriously and Expedia will aim to get it rectified within 48 hours. When you speak to Expedia you will be provided with a case ID number, this should be kept safe as you will need it whenever you speak to Expedia next. When you put in a complaint with Expedia you will need to provide certain information, this includes your dates of travel, the itinerary number, your contact details as well as details of the complaint.
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