If you have unfortunately found yourself in a position where you have decided to cancel your contract with Virgin Media, then it can be quite difficult to know which is the best step to take in cancelling your contract with the company.
In order to cancel your Virgin Media contact, you will need to do the following steps:
- Visit the Virgin Media website
- Click on ‘Sign in’
- Enter your username and password
- Check you don’t have any outstanding fees
There can be a number of reasons why you might want to cancel your account, including price, service or that you have decided you would like to use another service instead of Virgin. Some of these problems can actually be solved before cancelling your account, as you can make sure to complain about to their customer services team if you believe that the service you have received hasn’t been suitable for what you requested. Price complaints can also be handled in this same way, as members of the retention team will find several offers to make you in ways to ensure that you remain using Virgin Media’s services.
However, if you have already tried this options, or you are certain on your decision to leave Virgin Media then there is a series of steps you should follow to cancel your account with them. This may be time-consuming so you should make sure that you have a free day to call their services.
Check your contract
Before you start your cancellation process, you should check your contract terms to see how long you have left on your contract, what your contract promises you in terms of service and what the cancellation fees may be when you move forward with the cancellation. If you have experienced repeated interruptions to your service to the extent that you’ve been left unable to view any content then you may be entitled to terminate the contract with no financial penalty. On most contracts there will be a clause that makes provisions for the loss of service, so you should be certain of what your contract entails. Even if your contract says that they will not be responsible for short losses of the service they provide, this does not cover constant losses of services and you will be in a strong position to ensure the termination of your contract.
Be ready to pay fees
When you leave your contract with Virgin Media there is a strong chance that you will need to pay an Early Disconnection Fee (EDF) which will cover the remaining costs of your contract as well as a charge added for each month that you have left on your contract. Each type of contract will have a different cost depending on the type of services you’re receiving so it’s best checking the Virgin Media website to find out how much your EDF will cost. These charges can apply to services for Virgin Phone, Broadband, TV as part of a Bundle and TV only, with each section having its own variations that cost different amounts and will leave people being charged many different prices depending on how much they will charge you per month added on to the cost of each month’s contractual payment. EDF prices are capped at £240 to ensure that no Virgin Media customers will have to pay more than that to cancel their accounts.
In what circumstances will I not be charged for cancelling?
There are several situations that could occur that would result in you not being charged for cancelling your contract with Virgin Media. One of these situations is if there is an unexpected rise in the price of your payments. Any contracts that started on the 23rd January 2014 can be cancelled without consequences if the cost of the service has been upped. This term was put in place by Ofcom to ensure that customers wouldn’t be hit by unfair price hikes halfway through the year and can rely on their contract prices remaining mostly the same.
Contact Virgin
It is easy to find ways to contact Virgin Media when you visit their website, as they provide multiple opportunities to call them for several different reasons. When you call this number, you will have to follow the prompts that will take you to the option stating you wish to leave Virgin Media, and will then connect you to the people who can help you achieve this goal. You can also speak to members of the Virgin Media community as well as using their live chat and writing a letter to them, which can be useful as physical proof that you have asked for your contract to be cancelled by them.
Be prepared for retention
Here you will speak to people whose whole job revolves around offering you the sun and moon to ensure that you stay using Virgin Media’s services, and you will find it very tricky to get through to them that you are certain about leaving. Here they will offer you anything from price drops, service improvements and a variety of other offers that will eventually aim at you either agreeing to continue with the contract you have with them now or even signing a new contract with them. You have to be careful with retention as their main goal is to make sure you stay with the company, so it can be very time comsuming and irritating to convince them that you are completely certain you want to leave Virgin Media. If they sense that there is a deal or offer that they can make you that will ensure that you stay with the company then they will push this until you agree, so you have to prepare yourself to say no a lot and be completely certain that you 100% want to cancel your contract with Virgin Media. Eventually, they will then pass you through to a member of the team who will handle your cancellation.
Once you have reached this person, they will again want to know why you are leaving Virgin Media and will ensure that you are completely certain about your decision to leave their services. If you’re leaving Virgin because you’ve decided to use another company’s services, then you have to let them know so that they can cancel your account and the new company can begin their account with you, as they operate on their own dedicated network. They will go through all of the terms of your cancellation with you, including the date that your EDF charges will begin as well as the confirmation that your 30 days of notification has begun, and you will have the opportunity to work out how and when you will pay the charges you owe.
Send recorded delivery cancellation letter
It is advisable to send a letter informing Virgin Media of your contract cancellation as well as contacting them by phone, as it backs up your cancellation. If you send a letter to Virgin Media through recorded delivery then you can be given information on when the letter was received by the company and can begin your 30 day notification period from then, as this will mean that even if the cancellation wasn’t put through after your phone call, you will have physical evidence of cancelling your contract with the company and will be able to know when the letter was received and therefore can contest any charges you may be given after your notification period.
If you want to send a letter of cancellation confirmation to Virgin Media then you can mail it to this address
Virgin Media Ltd
Virgin Media Cancellation Team
PO Box 333
Matrix Court
through recorded delivery, where you will be then given confirmation of when your letter was received by the company and can ensure that nothing is lost through the post and you will be backed up in any claims you may need to make.
Extra Information
When you have cancelled your account with Virgin Media you will be asked to return your equipment to them, as the equipment is only rented out by Virgin and therefore isn’t yours to keep after you have left their services.