PureGym is a chain of 24-hour fitness clubs in the UK. They are able to offer cheap memberships as they have few employees and provide limited services. They include cardio equipment, weights, and exercise classes. PureGym was the first gym chain in Britain to gain a million members. If you are one of these members but PureGym is no longer working for you, then you are on the right page. This guide will tell you how to adjust or cancel your PureGym membership to suit your situation. Whatever the reason might be, you can easily terminate your gym membership and save money in the future. Unlike contract gyms, PureGym allows their members to cancel at any time. Before you do, you should investigate all your options to avoid further hassle later if you decide you want to sign up again.
Can I change my PureGym membership?
If money is the reason you want to cancel, maybe just downgrade your membership. Get rid of any extras you are paying for every month and fall back on the standard membership. You can also save money by changing to an Off-Peak membership. This is cheaper but only allows you to access the gym during restricted hours. It also limits your choices for classes if you want to attend some. On the flip side, if money isn’t a concern but you feel like you don’t get enough out of your membership, why not upgrade it? Add some Bolt-Ons like priority booking for classes and access for a friend. You can pay to get Sports Water from the Hydration Station, or use a Hydro Sports Massage Chair for 10 minutes a day. Save money by paying in advance for a fixed term membership for 6, 9, 0r 12 months.
Can I switch my Home Gym to a different PureGym?
There are more than 200 branches throughout the UK, so moving house or changing jobs doesn’t have to mean cancelling your PureGym membership. You can simply switch your home gym to another gym of your choice. You will no longer be able to access your old gym once you swap your membership to a different one. The only issue is that a membership might cost more at your new gym. On the other hand, it might even cost less than your old gym, depending on the location. PureGym may add or reduce a pro-rata payment when you switch to a different branch. If you don’t want to leave your Home Gym but want to access another PureGym too, you can do that. They offer a multi-access supplement on top of membership fees. You can make these amendments online or call PureGym.
How do I change my PureGym PIN?
If you are unable to get into your usual PureGym building, this is easily rectified. You don’t have to terminate your membership because you are locked out. If you are at the gym and your access code won’t work, just press the intercom and wait for a staff team member. Usually, if your PIN is rejected then PureGym sends a text message explaining why. If you have a key fob and lose it, you need to tell Member Services so they can deactivate it. The Member Services team can sort out new PIN numbers or new key fobs. If you do decide to cancel your PureGym membership, they will deactivate both your PIN and any key fobs. You should return all key fobs to the Member Services team if you no longer intend to use them, but still keep your PIN private in case you need to log in online.
Can I freeze my PureGym membership?
Cancelling a gym membership is a long-term action, but there are short-term solutions available. If you are going to be out of the area due to school, work, or holidays, you can temporarily freeze your PureGym membership. This has to be for a minimum of one month and a maximum period of 3 months. You can only freeze your membership for up to 3 months in any 12 month period, with at least one whole active month between each frozen period. PureGym reduces the membership fee to £5.99 for each frozen month. This means you don’t have to go through the hassle of cancelling and rejoining, but you aren’t wasting as much money on services you won’t be using. Payments will resume as normal once the 3 months are up if you don’t actively unfreeze your membership before this time limit.
Can I change my PureGym Direct Debit?
Maybe the payment dates aren’t working for you anymore. Instead of cancelling, you could request to change the date of your Direct Debit payments. They are taken on the same date every month, so if payday changes you can adjust the Direct Debit too. You can only change the payment date after PureGym collects at least one monthly payment. The original date is the day you activate your membership. If you are only just joining, you can choose to delay your start date by up to a month. This will then set your future payments for this date every month. Changing your payment date can turn the next month’s collection into a pro-rata payment, so the amount could be different for that month. You should contact PureGym if you need to change your Direct Debit date after already doing so.
How do I cancel my PureGym membership?
So, you’ve looked at all your options and can’t find a reason to prolong the inevitable cancellation. If your reason for leaving is a complaint which PureGym failed to resolve, it’s understandable that you want to leave permanently. For monthly memberships, simply contact your bank to cancel the Direct Debit. You should do this at least 3-4 working days before the next payment date. Whether you do this online, by phone, or at the actual bank is up to you. A fixed-term membership is different. You can cancel within 14 days of starting for a full pro-rata refund, or any time after that for 50%. When you cancel the Direct Debit, your membership will automatically terminate the day before your next payment is due. You will not be able to access the gym. If you have a key fob, hand it in after your final visit.
Can I restart a cancelled PureGym membership?
Changed your mind? PureGym will welcome you back if you decide to restart your membership. There should not be a joining fee if you are reactivating an old membership. If you cannot do it yourself online or there is an extra charge, contact PureGym Member Services. They can reactivate your previous 8-digit PIN number for you. On the other hand, if you cancelled your Direct Debit in the last few days but had a sudden change of heart, what can you do? If the bank cannot reverse the Direct Debit cancellation, you should contact PureGym and tell them that you cancelled it by accident. They can then help you to set up a new Direct Debit with no disruption to your account or membership. If you leave it for a while after cancelling, they might e-mail you promotional offers to win you back.